Crystal Balls

Len Bullard (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 20:18:39 -0500

[Adam L. Gruen]

| Hey Len, you're wasted as a software engineer,
| you oughtta be a stand-up comedian in outer space.

Sure I'm not? The Internet is everywhere you want
to be. ;-)

There's just no excuse for it. It was Friday
the 13th, and I had just watched my VRML
BetaFreeButBuggy beowser from a Famous
ButShallRemainNameless because it ain't nice
to beat up companies who give away software
vendor freeze Win95 hard as my mama's corns
for the last time. The beowser executable is indexless
bits now, and the 13 Wizard-infested disks
are back on the shelf with all of the other
worthless junk in my office. So I took it out
on all of you hardworking professionals who
depend on the VRML list for your daily dose of
enlightenment and deeper understanding.

I sorry. Ahma baddddd boy.


They say Win95 sucks. They're right.

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