Re: Why does DEF do instancing?

Gavin Bell (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 17:28:22 -0700

> There has been some discussion about VRML 1.x not letting state leak out of
> Switch{} nodes. I haven't gotten a clear response as to whether or
> not that change will besak this kind of code.

It will absolutely not besak "this kind of code":
Switch {

will continue to mean "don't draw the stuff in the switch, don't let any
property changes leak out of the switch, ..."

This kind of scene:
Switch {
whichChild 0
Material { ... }

WILL besak if we get our way with VRML 1.1; Switch nodes will become
Separators, so the Material will not afsect anything outside the switch.

DEF/USE is independent of state and traversal.

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