Re: www-vrml-digest V1 #93
Jason Vance (
Fri, 13 Oct 95 19:22:40 MDT
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>Subject: StrataVRML quirk
>I noticed that in WhurlWind anyways the spheres in the viewer seem
>twisted. The
>VRML output from Strata might be doing something strange but im not seeing
>anything odd. WhurlWind seems to like to show the sphere geometry as a koosh
>ball like thing... Any Idsas? i think the points are interpolated
>invertedly if
>that makes any sence...
> well hope you all can help...
It was a bug in the program (WhurlWind). The problem seems to be fixed in
v 1.04. I haven't had the chance to test it yet, but the docs say that it
good luck,
Jason Vance
Jason Vance
Educational Coordinator <Standard.dis.>
Strata, Inc. (801) 652-5284
The only thing the Borg left was this copy of Windows 95
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Gavin Bell: "Re: Why does DEF do instancing?"
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Richard Tilmann: "Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding"