> I just put a link to my first .wrl file in my homepage and...it doesn't
and Cranz Gregory responded:
>for creating links, use the WWWAnchor node.
Ooops - I think M. Gregory misunderstood - it seems that what's at issue
is how to link TO a WRL file from HTML - and you DO use HREF. I think
that the problem is: you need to have a VRML browser set up to view the
WRL files from within your normal WWW Browser (similar to setting up a
graphics viewer or an audio/video player). How you do this depends on
your net browser - in Netscape, you select Options, Preserences, then
Helper Apps. Create a new file type with MIME type x-world and Subtype
x-vrml; applicable file extensions: wrl, wrz, gz. If you plan on viewing
directly while either on or offline, select "Launch the Application" and
point it to your VRML-aware viewer (such as WebSpace, WebFX, WorldView or
Hang in there, baby.
Paul S. Hoffman
VP/Creative Director
Cognetics Corp.