Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding
Fri, 13 Oct 95 14:00:11 PST
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Jeff Sonstsin, M.A.: "TesasureHunt95"
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Mario Juric - XV Gimnazija: "Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding"
What you described is what we dream for. Who can make this come true
though? There seem little signs of the corporate powers behind these
two technologies willing to "co-operate"...
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Jeff Sonstsin, M.A.: "TesasureHunt95"
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Adrian Scott: "Re: A SHOVE in the right direction for begin"
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Mark Pesce: "ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding"
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Mario Juric - XV Gimnazija: "Re: ADMIN: VRML + JAVA - A Wedding"