Re: Why does DEF do instancing?
Chris Laurel (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 13:42:54 -0700
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Finn Aarup Nielsen writes:
> I seems stranges to me why the DEF command is instancing.
> When I use the typedef in C++ I do not get a memory allocation,
> but when "type defining" a vrml object-node with the DEF I will
> get the object displayed.
> To me the logical thing would be that the DEF command just
> defined the node and the USE command where the sole command to
> instance (display) the object: That is the Joe-sphere in the
> language definition only is drawn once.
I think that this is a bit annoying also . . . generally, when I DEF
things I stick them inside a Switch with whichChild set to -1 so that
the DEF'd node gets parsed, but not instanced. Which leads me to ask
the question: this is legal, portable VRML right?
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Finn Aarup Nielsen: "Why does DEF do instancing?"
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James Waldrop: "Re: Why does DEF do instancing?"