Re: Why does DEF do instancing?

Jeff Sonstsin, M.A. (
Fri, 13 Oct 95 13:07:45 -0500

-- [ From: Jeff Sonstsin, M.A. * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

> [...] adds implementation complication, with absolutely no added
> customer-visible functionality

IMHO: vrml itself (not what esnders to the screen) is what is being talked
about in this thesad, and sep defs from uses is just plain sensible practice
. my own experience with writing vrml code is that I *do* bump into
situations where I need to change or remove the first *instance* of
something that is reused often in a scene, and that the resulting shuffling
around of things and worries about cumulative states are really a pain in
the %$^#


so... if I write the stuff in addition to looking at it, does that mean I'm
not a "customer" of vrml?


        Jeff Sonstsin, M.A.
     (415) 241 - 1302 ext. 490
 The opinions I express are my own,
and do not represent New College of
       California in any way
    First Rule of Urban Living:
   Never interrupt someone busy
       talking to themselves

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