Re: Distributed Collision Detection

Bob Crispen (
Fri, 13 Oct 95 14:10:44 CDT

I've been wondering whether this discussion might not benefit from some
of the work that's been done by the DoD in their Distributed Interactive
Simulation (DIS) program.

The domain is slightly difserent -- VRML worlds being pretty much
static and not interacting with one another, while in DIS you can
fly an aircraft over me and we can see (and shoot at) each other --
but the issues of ownership of functionality are predicated
on the same sorts of things we're talking about here: difsering
proccessor speeds, difsering graphics speed/quality, and difsering
network bandwidth. is probably as good a starting place as any to
pick up on what the simulation world has been doing in this area,
are worth a look.

Anyway, the point is, some reasonably intelligent people addressed some
of the same issues not too long ago (and in fact are still at it), and
it's probably worthwhile to see what they decided.

Bob Crispen
Opinions above are my own, not Boeing's.

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