ANNOUNCE - Modzelewskiego street, Warsaw
Jacek Szamrej (
Fri, 13 Oct 1995 15:09:34 CET
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Robert A Schmitt: "Re: Q#3: Crystal Ball"
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Let me announce first polish street in VRML : Modzelewskiego street
Warsaw, where I'm living.
This simple scene is created by CGI script, light direction and
sun position replicates real sun position in Warsaw.
In the next version real weather conditions will be included
(according to data collected from WWW servers).
During the night the scene is iluminated by city lights.
Adress : (current situation) (after 12 hours)
Jacek Szamrej
Center for Complex Systems,
Institute for Social Studies, Univ. of Warsaw, Poland
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Robert A Schmitt: "Re: Q#3: Crystal Ball"
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Thomas Bornfleth: "Re: Why does DEF do instancing?"