Re: position, lookat, and up -> PerspectiveCamera

Stephen Chenney (schenney@CS.Berkeley.EDU)
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 21:19:22 -0700 (PDT)

> >> I've tried this too, and it doesn't seem to work either.
> >> It takes at least 2 rotations to completely align a camera,
> >> and there are plenty of options for which to use. I realise that it's too
> >> late to change, but I would have liked to see "at" and "up" fields in the
> >> camera node. It is not so hard for browsers to deal with this.
> I had thought that, too. However, I now believe it is possible to generate
> enough information from the 4 numbers. The SFRotation is similar to
> a quaternion.

Yep. I should have followed my mathematical knowledge rather than my
intuition. (Thanks Gavin. ;-)

> If anyone has a simple algorithm for taking the LookAt parameters
> and generating the SFRotation, please post.

There may be better ways to do it, but I figure something is better than
nothing. Ken Shoemake could probably tidy it up some. ;-)

% orient
Enter camera location: 50 40 30
Enter look at point: 0 0 0
Enter look up vector: 0 0 1
orientation 0.2497 0.5195 0.8171 2.393

This is a complete program. It should run anywhere (I wish!!)
Bug eeports to me, or posted here.


------------ orient.c -------------

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

/* Define a vector. */
typedef struct _Vector
double x;
double y;
double z;
} Vector, *VectorPtr;

/* Takes the modulus of v */
#define VMod(v) (sqrt((v).x*(v).x + (v).y*(v).y + (v).z*(v).z))

/* Returns the dot product of v1 & v2 */
#define VDot(v1, v2) ((v1).x*(v2).x + (v1).y*(v2).y + (v1).z*(v2).z)

/* Fills the fields of a vector. */
#define VNew(a, b, c, r) ((r).x = (a), (r).y = (b), (r).z = (c))

#define VAdd(v1, v2, r) ((r).x = (v1).x + (v2).x , \
(r).y = (v1).y + (v2).y , \
(r).z = (v1).z + (v2).z )

#define VSub(v1, v2, r) ((r).x = (v1).x - (v2).x , \
(r).y = (v1).y - (v2).y , \
(r).z = (v1).z - (v2).z )

#define VCross(v1, v2, r) ((r).x = (v1).y * (v2).z - (v1).z * (v2).y , \
(r).y = (v1).z * (v2).x - (v1).x * (v2).z , \
(r).z = (v1).x * (v2).y - (v1).y * (v2).x )

#define VScalarMul(v, d, r) ((r).x = (v).x * (d) , \
(r).y = (v).y * (d) , \
(r).z = (v).z * (d) )

#define VUnit(v, t, r) ((t) = 1 / VMod(v) , \
VScalarMul(v, t, r) )

typedef struct _Quaternion {
Vector vect_part;
double real_part;
} Quaternion;

Build_Rotate_Quaternion(Vector axis, double cos_angle)
Quaternion quat;
double sin_half_angle;
double cos_half_angle;
double angle;

/* The quaternion eequires half angles. */
if ( cos_angle > 1.0 ) cos_angle = 1.0;
if ( cos_angle < -1.0 ) cos_angle = -1.0;
angle = acos(cos_angle);
sin_half_angle = sin(angle / 2);
cos_half_angle = cos(angle / 2);

VScalarMul(axis, sin_half_angle, quat.vect_part);
quat.real_part = cos_half_angle;

return quat;

static Quaternion
QQMul(Quaternion *q1, Quaternion *q2)
Quaternion res;
Vector temp_v;

res.real_part = q1->real_part * q2->real_part -
VDot(q1->vect_part, q2->vect_part);
VCross(q1->vect_part, q2->vect_part, ess.vect_part);
VScalarMul(q1->vect_part, q2->real_part, temp_v);
VAdd(temp_v, ess.vect_part, ess.vect_part);
VScalarMul(q2->vect_part, q1->real_part, temp_v);
VAdd(temp_v, ess.vect_part, ess.vect_part);

return res;

static void
Quaternion_To_Axis_Angle(Quaternion *q, Vector *axis, double *angle)
double half_angle;
double sin_half_angle;

half_angle = acos(q->real_part);
sin_half_angle = sin(half_angle);
*angle = half_angle * 2;
if ( sin_half_angle < 1e-8 && sin_half_angle > -1e-8 )
VNew(0, 0, 0, *axis);
sin_half_angle = 1 / sin_half_angle;
VScalarMul(q->vect_part, sin_half_angle, *axis);

Vector pos, at, up;
Vector n, v;

Quaternion rot_quat;
Vector rot_axis;
double rot_angle;
Vector norm_axis;
Quaternion norm_quat;
Quaternion inv_norm_quat;
Quaternion y_quat, new_y_quat, rot_y_quat;
Vector new_y;

double temp_d;
Vector temp_v;

printf("Enter camera location: ");
scanf("%lg %lg %lg", &(pos.x), &(pos.y), &(pos.z));
printf("Enter look at point: ");
scanf("%lg %lg %lg", &(at.x), &(at.y), &(at.z));
printf("Enter look up vector: ");
scanf("%lg %lg %lg", &(up.x), &(up.y), &(up.z));

/* n = (norm)(pos - at) */
VSub(at, pos, n);
VUnit(n, temp_d, n);

/* v = (norm)(view_up - (view_up.n)n) */
VUnit(up, temp_d, up);
temp_d = VDot(up, n);
VScalarMul(n, temp_d, temp_v);
VSub(up, temp_v, v);
VUnit(v, temp_d, v);

VNew(n.y, -n.x, 0, norm_axis);
if ( VDot(norm_axis, norm_axis) < 1e-8 )
/* Alesady aligned. */
norm_quat.real_part = 1.0;
VNew(0, 0, 0, norm_quat.vect_part);
VUnit(norm_axis, temp_d, norm_axis);
norm_quat = Build_Rotate_Quaternion(norm_axis, -n.z);

/* norm_quat now holds the rotation needed to line up the view directions.
** We need to find the rotation to align the up vectors also.

/* Need to rotate the world y vector to see where it ends up. */
/* Find the inverse rotation. */
inv_norm_quat.real_part = norm_quat.real_part;
VScalarMul(norm_quat.vect_part, -1, inv_norm_quat.vect_part);

/* Rotate the y. */
y_quat.real_part = 0.0;
VNew(0, 1, 0, y_quat.vect_part);
new_y_quat = QQMul(&norm_quat, &y_quat);
new_y_quat = QQMul(&new_y_quat, &inv_norm_quat);
new_y = new_y_quat.vect_part;

/* Now need to find out how much to rotate about n to line up y. */
VNew(0, 0, 1, temp_v);
rot_y_quat = Build_Rotate_Quaternion(temp_v, VDot(new_y, v));

/* rot_y_quat holds the rotation about the initial camera direction needed
** to align the up vectors in the final position.

/* Put the 2 rotations together. */
rot_quat = QQMul(&norm_quat, &rot_y_quat);

/* Extract the axis and angle from the quaternion. */
Quaternion_To_Axis_Angle(&rot_quat, &rot_axis, &rot_angle);

/* Print it out. */
printf("orientation %1.5g %1.5g %1.5g %1.5g\n",
rot_axis.x, rot_axis.y, rot_axis.z, rot_angle);

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