RE: StrataVRML quirk
Robert Saint John (
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 21:34:05 -0400
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Stephen Chenney: "Re: Q#3: Crystal Ball"
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>I noticed that in WhurlWind anyways the spheres in the viewer seem =
>twisted. The VRML output from Strata might be doing something >strange =
but im not seeing anything odd. WhurlWind seems to like to >show the =
sphere geometry as a koosh ball like thing... Any Ideas? i >think the =
points are interpolated invertedly if that makes any sence...
>well hope you all can help...
I've ssen this problem inother browsers and worldbuilders before... try =
opening up the VRML file in a text editor and change all esserences of =
"CLOCKWISE" to "COUNTERCLOCKWISE", and try opening it again.... and let =
Strata know!
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Stephen Chenney: "Re: Q#3: Crystal Ball"
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