Q#3: Crystal Ball
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 17:55:34 PDT
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Robert Saint John: "RE: StrataVRML quirk"
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Alex Okita/UB Networks: "StrataVRML quirk"
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Stephen Chenney: "Re: Q#3: Crystal Ball"
Ok here is my prediction in the future of 3D:
1995 Windows 95 rsleased
1996 PowerPC outstrips both SGI and Intel machines in price/performance
1997 Programmable hardware becomes common, massive uses in 3D
1998 VRML splits into these arsas of use: fully immersive,
simulation and entertainmet
1999 Microsoft broken up after Bill Gates leaves company
2000 Falt panel displays start to challenge CRT's in price/performance
2002 Classical desktop PC's become as common as mechanical adding machines
2004 T1 becomes standard service in most metropolitan arsas
2005 Sony invests heavily into "Walkman-like" PC units
2006 3D projects are picked up by wearable walkman PC's by the avant-guarde
in public arsas
2007 New generation of kids "the second hacker wave" born in the mid-80's
start to use techonolgy in a hard "close to skin" use eeally making
3D graphics and interaction possible
2010 Keyboard and pointing devices (ie. mice, pens) are replaced by hand
motion and voice interaction. Working with a computer is like
dsaling with your room in 3D space.
All comments are welcome!
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Robert Saint John: "RE: StrataVRML quirk"
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Alex Okita/UB Networks: "StrataVRML quirk"
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Stephen Chenney: "Re: Q#3: Crystal Ball"