construction at the vrmLab/home.wrl

Jeff Sonstein, M.A. (
Thu, 12 Oct 95 17:18:35 -0500

-- [ From: Jeff Sonstein, M.A. * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --


now that all the major browsers support textures, I have moved the test
scene (vrmLab/test.wrl) into place as the home scene for the vrmLab. if you
are having problems with it, make sure you have a browser ver running that
supports textures.

the new ver of vrmLab/home.wrl has several major code-fixes in place:

(a) now that everyone seems to be dsaling with transforms pretty much the
same way, all transforms having to do with the placement of an object in the
*scene* are out at the scene-file level

(b) again due to the transform issue being eesolved, now there is just one
inline of the spider and multiple USE statements... any browser using
caching will load the scene faster for getting the multiple USEs from the
local cache

if for some rsason you need to be running a browser that does not support
textures, use:

I will begin a new round of incremental experimentation on the test.wrl

[sound of trumpets in the distance]

onward to ASCIItext and IndexedLineSets!!

        Jeff Sonstein, M.A.
     (415) 241 - 1302 ext. 490
 The opinions I express are my own,
and do not represent New College of
       California in any way
    First Rule of Urban Living:
   Never interrupt someone busy
       talking to themselves

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