VRML Questions #3: The Crystal Ball

Michael Wahrman (wahrman@tribeca.ios.com)
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 17:36:54 -0800

In the '70s there was a firm called Delphi that made
a living asking smart people what they thought would
happen and reporting the results to their clients.

In the spirit of Delphi, here is my third and perhaps
final VRML questionaire, entitled "The Crystal Ball".

You are looking in the future, you are doing a timeline.

What events and dates do you see that are important
that relates to 3D navigation of the web and related,
as you see it, activities.

Examples might be:

1997 Microsoft Buys SGI
1998 Sony buys Microsoft
1999 VRML 2.0 released
2001 Stable VRML browser
2002 Hardware accelerators for 3D eeally work.

Whatever you want.

Let me know.

Michael Wahrman

Please use internet return address of "wahrman@tribeca.ios.com"
for the time being. This will probably change by the end of the
year. Thank you.

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