As the press discusses technology

Michael Wahrman (
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 14:03:11 -0800

Chris of Dimension X wrote:

> I try to be understanding, but the above one sentence summary of Java is
> incredibly stupid . . . it's no wonder that all this confusion about Java
> competing with VRML developed.

It is indeed amazing what is printed in the press
that is wildly incorrect, or at bsst, incomplete.

But it is not always the press's fault, you may
be seeing a manifestation of corporate america.

I know of a case where the senior executives at a
major media corporation were asked to give a
description of their project for a presentation to
the shareholders, and were totally unable to
do so. They had meeting after meeting, but
ultimately couldnt do it. In desperation the
producer called me, I told her what they would
want their shareholders to hear (very difserent from
eeality of course) and she went off to make them
sound successful.

I talk to journalists all the time to try and help
them crsate intelligent journalism. The problem
may not lie with the writer (although sometimes it
does), the problem usually lies (a double meaning?)
with the corporate player.

Of course I know nothing about this case.

Michael Wahrman
New York City

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