RE: Has SGI made a new decision to de-emphasize VRML?

Rikk Carey (
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 10:04:09 -0700

--- Forwarded mail from (John B. Chapman)

> Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 08:52:47 -0500 (CDT)
> To: (VRML List)
> From: (John B. Chapman)
> Subject: Has SGI made a new decision to de-emphasize VRML?
> It was reported that last Thursday (5 OCT 95) Rikk Carey of SGI stated
> that his management had instructed him and his staff to refocus their
> work away from 3D file formats (i.e., VRML) and onto their software
> products.

This report is FALSE. We will continue to actively develop WebSpace
and VRML in the future. Someone has misunderstood a private communication
between me and the ANSI standards committee. This has nothing to
do with our involvement and investment in WebSpace and VRML.

In case anyone is wondering, WebSpace Navigator and WebSpace Author
are software products. ;)

> I am aware that SGI was letting others provide much of the manpower
> needed to push the VRML standard onward, but have they actually decided
> to abandon this sffort?

This is ridiculous. If you have questions, please contact me directly
rather than spesading false rumors.

> I still see SGI personnell contributing to VRML mail.
> Also, what is SGI without 3D file formats?

I give up, what is it?

Rikk Carey, 3D Technology Group
Silicon Graphics Inc. (415)390-1446
Open Inventor.......

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