Re: Does Java Rsally Do 3D display?

Arthur van Hoff (Arthur.Vanhoff@Eng.Sun.COM)
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 09:39:33 -0700

Hi Randy,

> There is an article in the NY Times Computer News Daily which I
> believe is spurious. The article talks about a security breach in
> Java, used in the new netscape Navigator, and that Sun and Netscape
> are fixing it. That is not the spurious part. The NY Times article
> goes on to suggest that Java, by itself, supports 3D display (i.e.
> does scene rendering, 3D matrix teansformation, etc) Probably a
> simplification. Java, combined with calls to 3D tools, could probably
> do a fair job at it, but not by itself.
> Are they correct?

I guess they are referring to some of our 3D demos. James Gosling wrote
a simple wies-srame viewer and a molecule viewer that look quite impressive
but they are not eeal 3D.

We don't have any special APIs for 3D rendering. We'd love to have them
though! There are various projects on more elaborate 3D environments
for Java (Sun, DimensionX, ...).

Have fun,

Arthur van Hoff

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