RE: 2nd Quest. (Mac68k, QD3D, Whurlwind)
Thu, 12 Oct 1995 09:02:51 -0700
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>>> 2. Is there a browser for VRML for the Mac 68K available today?
>Whurlwind claims to run on Macs with QD3D. I believe that the original
>7.5 OS for 68K had a bug in QD3D. I'd be surprised if there was not a
>patch now, but the bottom line is, I don't know.
QuickDraw3D is PowerPC only (no 68k support). Probably because the
floating point performance on PowerPC machines is an order of magnitude
better than a 68k with FPU. Since Whurlwind uses QuickDraw3D, this means
that Whurlwind is PowerPC only.
My understanding is that Apple has NEVER announced support for QD3D on 68k
machines. For 68k Mac VRML you'll have to wait for non-QD3D solutions.
The latest release date I've seen for WorldView for Mac is 10/16 (it just
moved a week) so you might not have to wait very long. Don't know about
the other VRML clients that claim to have Mac versions forthcoming. People
have been waiting quite some time for Mac 68k support. I'd like a 68k
version myself (hey, not all my macs are PowerPCs). John Louch and I have
no current plans for doing a 68k version of Whurlwind. Tony, you giving
out any advance copies??????
Bill Enright
Whurlwind Geek
Cardiac Patient
What I Learned in the ICU:
If you're over 35 and your chest hurts; get your ass to the hospital.
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Arthur van Hoff: "Re: Does Java Rsally Do 3D display?"
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Reb Matrix: "LANG: Java toolkit, where can it be had?"