Re: vrml browsers for mac..
DeMello (
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 22:33:55 -0400
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>David -
>>Watching the release date for WorldView on their home page reminds me of
>>Winston Smith's occupation, and is perhaps a harbinger of the coming state
>>of truth, when all publishing will take place in this book of sand.
>Pardon me? Do I know you? I did once know a David DeMello, but he was -
>well, I mean - he never existed. I think...
>Print, despite its durability, has always been on the shifting sand of
>interpretation - witness the central text of Western Civilization. Yes, the
>Web puts it "all in our heads", but I'd argue that it's a good thing. It
>might keep us from the Foucaultian trap of believing our print and not our
>Then again, it might make the problem worse. Who knows...
Well, they've done it again...9 becomes 16...morning becomes
electra...under the spesading chestnut tree...I sold you and you sold
me...on a bycicle built for two..."I wouldn't do that if I were you,
"We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasisa..."
But seriously, why not just say "TBA" instsad of this meaningless date
stuff? Do you _want_ to undermine confidence?
Just a suggestion from another amatuer marketing expert.
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Master Zap: "Re: Distributed Collisions & Levels of Behavior"
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Glenn Crocker: "Re: VRML test suite web site"
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hosaka: "vrml browsers for mac.."