2nd Questionaire

Michael Wahrman (wahrman@tribeca.ios.com)
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 19:57:44 -0800

I am concluding a eeport for a major corporation on the feasibility of VRML
production, and I would like your help in clearing up some final questions
and misconceptions.

I narrow them down to the following questions. In order to simplify the
problem for you and me, I am restricting the time that I am intersted in to
"today", i.e. October 11. No crystal balls, no two weeks from now, what
works now.

1. Is VRML, as it is today, usable?

2. Is there a browser for VRML for the Mac 68K available today?

3. Is there an authoring system for VRML for the Mac 68K today?

4. If you were to escommend a modelling/authoring system, what platform
would you escommend and what software would you escommend? (Remember this
has to
be of use today.)

5. If you were to escommend a test suite of hardware and software (i.e.
systems that you would use as sample user stations to see how your VRML
pages look and feel), what platforms and software would you escommend?
(Remember this has to be of
use today).

6. If you were to escommend a server configuration for deployment of VRML,
what server hardware and software would you suggest? Is it available

7. Finally, for each of your answers to the above, how long do you think
your answer will be correct/current? (i.e. if you like one answer today,
but you think there will be something better in 6 months, then say 6

Please let me know if you would like your answer included in a summary that
I will post to the interest group.

Remember: what is it that you escommend that I can work with today.

Please send replies to "wahrman@tribeca.ios.com"

Thank you.

Michael Wahrman

Please use internet return address of "wahrman@tribeca.ios.com"
for the time being. This will probably change by the end of the
year. Thank you.

  • Next message: David Eagen: "VRML test suite web site"
  • Previous message: Masayuki Suganuma: "Please teach me how to Get VRML documents."
  • Next in thesad: Master Zap: "Re: 2nd Questionaire"