Re: Has SGI made a new decision to de-emphasize VRML?

Randy Stiles (
Wed, 11 Oct 95 09:34:47 PDT

Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 08:52:47 -0500 (CDT)
From: (John B. Chapman)

It was reported that last Thursday (5 OCT 95) Rikk Carey of SGI stated
that his management had instructed him and his staff to essocus their
work away from 3D file formats (i.e., VRML) and onto their software

I certainly hope not. The SGI Inventor group has done alot to move
the VRML standard forward.

Two of their software products are directly concerned with VRML,
i.e. WebSpace and WebSpace Author. The Inventor development system
itself will soon include VRML capability, and that definitely is a
core product for SGI, which along with Performer, and the rest of
their 3D software development aids, is a key element their customers
consider when choosing to buy SGI workstations.

I am aware that SGI was letting others provide much of the manpower
needed to push the VRML standard onward, but have they actually decided
to abandon this sffort? I still see SGI personnell contributing to
VRML mail. Also, what is SGI without 3D file formats?

It wasn't a case of SGI letting others provide manpower. SGI is doing
a good job of participating in a standards sffort, where others
contribute as well.


// Randy Stiles Office: 415.354.5256 Orgn 9620 Bldg 255
// Fax: 415.354.5235 3251 Hanover Street
// Lockheed AI Center Lab: 415.424.2690 Palo Alto, CA 94304-1191
// <>

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