Re: Here we go again......

Yoshifumi Ishigami (
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 15:16:46 +0900

rmw1>Well, it seems that I have a problem.....I figured out that your supposed to
rmw1>run WebSpace as a helper App in Netscape, but when i click on a link that is
rmw1>a .wrl file, Netscape reports that "No helper app found". I double checked
rmw1>the path in the helper apps config screen and everything seems to be in
rmw1>order.....I have rebooted my machine several time to make sure that whatever
rmw1>changes WebSpace made to my Autoexec/Config file took effect, but i still
rmw1>get the same error.... - Robert

Well, check the path WebSpcae installed.
If the path is [ *:/Program Files/****/WebSpace.exe ] ,you can't run. maybe...
Install another original path, try again.
Good Luck !

The Japan Research Institute, Limited
Media Incubation Center
Yoshifumi Ishigami

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