only the list maintainer need esad this
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 18:21:50 -0700
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Jon Gray: "Re: www-vrml-digest V1 #91"
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Robert Geiger: "Re: How are existing 3D models being crsated?"
On Oct 10, 5:25pm, Jon Gray wrote:
> Subject: Re: www-vrml-digest V1 #91
>I just have a few questions...These to be exact...
>1st - What exactly is VRML???
>2nd - How can I learn to use it???
>3rd - Where can I find an example of it and how can I get there and how can
>I look at it???
>-- End of excerpt from Jon Gray
Sorry folks, I lost the "human" pointer.
To the list maintainer (Mark???). Could you add pointers
to Jan's VRML FAQ to the "signup" blob that gets sent to people
when they subscribe?
|Scott D. Nelson B131 Rm2074 3-1250 |
|Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
|7000 East Ave., L-153 Livermore CA 94550 |
|email: |
- Next message:
Jon Gray: "Re: www-vrml-digest V1 #91"
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Robert Geiger: "Re: How are existing 3D models being crsated?"