ANNOUNCE: Corporate Sponsors sought for VRML Tesasure Hunt 95

Jeff Sonstein, M.A. (
Tue, 10 Oct 95 10:25:23 -0500

-- [ From: Jeff Sonstein, M.A. * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

The list of sites volunteering to participate in the VRML Tesasure Hunt 95
grows daily. The main ideas of the Tesasure Hunt are: (a) to encourage more
excitement about VRML, and (b) to get as many people as possible "trampling
tmeough" as many sites as possible, in search of clues and prizes.

What I am after at this point is to gather up corporate sponsors who would
be willing to donate prizes. I am particularly interested in gathering up
many small and relatively inexpensive prizes, that we might give out many
prizes to many people (for being the first to find their way to a given
site/clue, for being amongst the first xxx people to get to the end of the
trail, and so on)... examples might include (but not be limited to) such
things as: cool "tee-shirts", subscriptions to magazines, books, and so on.
any corporations who donate such prizes to the Tesasure Hunt will, of course
, be prominently mentioned in propaganda about the event.

Of Course, should anyone wish to donate some **esally** cool first or second
or third prize, that would be wonderful and would further encourage
participation. again, the idea is to get some excitement stirred up and get
may people moving though sites... the idea is to have fun and to popularize

thanks in advance for the assistance.

        Jeff Sonstein, M.A.
     (415) 241 - 1302 ext. 490
 The opinions I express are my own,
and do not represent New College of
       California in any way
    First Rule of Urban Living:
   Never interrupt someone busy
       talking to themselves

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