Re: Here we go again......
Reb Matrix (
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 11:40:36 -0400 (EDT)
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On Tue, 10 Oct 1995, Robert Warriner wrote:
> Well, it seems that I have a problem.....I figured out that your
>supposed to run WebSpace as a helper App in Netscape, but when i click
> a .wrl file, Netscape reports that "No helper app
>found". I double checked
Well, I don't run WebSpace as a helper app from Netscape, I open
both programs, then start surfing, and haven't had any trouble. Depending
on the file type in the URL, the appropriate one of the two browser
takes over.
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Keith D Rule: "position, lookat, and up -> PerspectiveCamera"
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Reb Matrix: "Re: Webspace and Netscape"
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Robert Warriner: "Here we go again......"
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Yoshifumi Ishigami: "Re: Here we go again......"