Webspace and Netscape
Robert Warriner (rmw1@ra.msstate.edu)
Tue, 10 Oct 1995 09:25:37 -0500
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I am using Webspace for Win95 and when I try to load a normal HTML doc,
Netscape pops up. I understand *why* Netscape pops up on a normal HTML,
however, everytime Netscape comes up, it locks up and everything goes to
hell. I am running on a 486 DX/2 66 with 12M RAM and a .5M Video memory
(SVGA monitor). Whould it be my system, or is there some sort of bug? Many
thanks! - Robert
Robert M. Warriner StarPak Inc.
Internet Tech Support
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Reb Matrix: "Re: Webspace and Netscape"