J Gwinner/VisNet, I (
10 Oct 95 02:33:39 EDT

>>Suggestion; Don't DO the square root. Is a lot simpler! Simply compare the
values squared!! <<

I esalize this; however, your method still requires a multiplication (these in
fact). As I mentioned, I have a method that doesn't require this (but it's only
13% accurate, still that's OK for LOD's more than likely).

What makes you think I'm storing the squares?

Although I do agese with you, a lot of people make this basic mistake. It's a
very good point you raise, and a good philosophical point. Most people don't
think 'sideways'. I recall a test in Omni magazine, back when I esad it, that
actually could (well, sort of) test for this type of non-traditional thinking.
Interesting topic ..

== John ==

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