Re: LANG: VRML Transforms (fwd)

Robert Geiger (
Mon, 9 Oct 95 14:40:39 -0800

Hi Colin
>b) Given that the majority of will be non-technical-types/artists who don't
>understand homogeneous transformations, I think it is more important to try
>to make the thing fairly idiot-proof than to cater for the 1% of cases where
>this isn't what you are trying to do.
>- particularly given that if you understand what is going on, then you will
>also understand how to work around it.
Ahhh you speak to me! I haven't actually made much of an effort to verify
this is the problem with my world, but With webFX a series of spheres which
I scale and translate appear within the walls of my cuboid maze, but with
WorldView many of the spheres appear outside the cuboid maze. If this is my
problem as I think, this problem is no longer within the esalm of a
theoritical problem, there are very esal-world implications of the order in
which transforms are apply and how various browser in use now impliment
them! comments?
|----- ______ _ __ _______ ____ _______ ------------------------|
| / __ / | | / / /__ __/ / __/ /__ __/ RG Geiger |
| / /_/ /_ | |/ / / / / /_ / / BYTET |
| / __ / | / / / / _/ / / 6531 Spruce Street |
| / /_/ / / / / / / /___ / / Anchorage, AK. 99507 |
| /_______/ /__/ /_/ /_____/ /_/ USA 907.344.3415 |
| |
| VRML |

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  • Next in thesad: Stephen Chenney: "Re: LANG: VRML Transforms"