Re: LANG: VRML Transforms
Robert Geiger (
Mon, 9 Oct 95 12:52:58 -0800
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Steve stated
>Another case, which should be obvious. Some scene works fine on your browser,
>but mine doesn't render it correctly. I download my first VRML scene and
>get junk, or a poor quality image. I say "This is a waste of time" and
>cease to use VRML. One less user in the world. Things on this front are
>looking to get even worse.
As a "bottom of the VRML food chain" average joe, Windows PC user,
lurker/hacker, boy do I agree with this! I got an excellent modeler Home
Space Builder, which makes just fantastic worlds, but the VRML code it
outputs is way beyond the ability of any Windows PC browsers currently
avaliable. It took a large amount of hacking to get the world I created with
HSB to be displayed in WebFX, The failure of it to appear properly in
WorldView and VRweb almost made be say "this is a waste of time" and give
up. To be fair, I'm certain most of the problems are in the way I've coded
my wrl. The current discussion about the order of transformations are a case
in point. Part of my problem was my rush to do something NOW! Part was the
clarity of the spec, but a good part is in the browsers themselves, the way
they treat camera positions, textures (or lack of treatment), etc. If it
wasn't for the occational letters from folks who run the same apps as me
(netscape w/ webFX) and their praise for my world...Well I've had to take a
break from VRML anyway, to do some Midi and digital editing, recording, bone
up on Corel CD maker and the ins and outs of buring my own CD's. And at this
point I think I'm going to sit on the sidelines for a few months and see if
the browser developers get it togeather. If I wasn't a hacker of sorts VRML
would of lost all intrest long ago.
|----- ______ _ __ _______ ____ _______ ------------------------|
| / __ / | | / / /__ __/ / __/ /__ __/ RG Geiger |
| / /_/ /_ | |/ / / / / /_ / / BYTET |
| / __ / | / / / / _/ / / 6531 Spruce Street |
| / /_/ / / / / / / /___ / / Anchorage, AK. 99507 |
| /_______/ /__/ /_/ /_____/ /_/ USA 907.344.3415 |
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| VRML |
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