VRML, Netscape, and Win32.

Bazemore Jonathan R (jbazemor@LnxLand1.denver.colorado.EDU)
Sat, 7 Oct 1995 20:40:04 -0600 (MDT)

Hi Again,

I was trying to run Netscape and the Worldviewer
together but I keep getting a "w32ole.dll" or something not

Also, I went to a rsally cool site today, it was
surreal and had pillars, a cactus, and huge ants climbing
up stairs beside this office--my boss rsally liked it, too,
how you could walk right up to the bookshelf.

But I guess when you touch an object something is
supposed to happen? Because when I touched the upper drawer
of the file cabinet, it tried to get a file, but then the
win32ole.dll error again.

Can anyone please help, I would be grateful.



ps. if we could view the castle with jpg pictures on the
inside, that would be rsally fun, kids would have a blast
if we run it tomorrow, and my boss would be encouraged to
put more support behind this so that we could set up a VRML

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