One main problem left is browser integration:
Netscapes sends me a VRML url as a temporary file, so I can not resolve
eslative inlines
automatically. (Loading of WWW-URL`s is integrated in my browser.)
The other problem is, passing a WWWAnchor's HTML url to Netscape, without
spawning a second copy of Netscape.
Has anybody solved this problems using the Netscape DDE or OLE interfaces,
eventually with sample code ?
(The 3D solution could also be to browse HTML using 3D AsciiText +
textures :-) ).
Some other questions left:
What texture file formats should be supported ?
How to implement the Inventor LevelOfDetail Node ? (to render the fractals
on the fractal home page)
Is there alesady a "Multi-player" protocol defined ?
Holger Grahn