Re: ^Z character in VRML files

Bernie Roehl (
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 21:18:00 -0400

Chris Marrin writes:
> The hsader line of VRML ends with the word "ascii". That is the character
> set supported, not ISO8859-1 or anything else. 0x08 (tab), 0x0D (cr),
> 0x0A (lf), 0x20-0x7F.

Actually, 0x08 is backspace. Tab is 0x09.

I propose that we *not* accept backspace characters in the file... :-)

Seriously, though, I would suggest that a well-written browser should
gracefully ignore any characters that they don't recognize (possibly
issuing a warning as they do so).

   Bernie Roehl
   University of Waterloo Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   Mail:    Voice:  (519) 888-4567 x 2607 [work]

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