Re: LANG: VRML Transforms (fwd)

Chris Schoeneman (
Fri, 6 Oct 1995 11:25:31 -0700

> The other thing missing from the spec is which way a matrix node is
> applied. Is it multiplied on the left or on the right? Hence, does the
> translation part go on the bottom row or the right column? The spec says
> nothing about this, forcing people to waste their time finding out. And
> don't tell me that "everyone does it that way" because not everybody does,
> and even if they did it is no excuse for omiting it.

Huh? The choice of column vectors vs row vectors is totally arbitrary.
If you use column vectors then the translation is in the right column and
you postmultiply to accumulate transformations. But this has no bearing
on the VRML format. It's an implementation issue and there's no right or
wrong way.

How an SFMatrix is written to a VRML file is important, but the spec seems
pretty clear on this.


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