VRML 95 Advanced Program
Dave Nadeau (nadeau@SDSC.EDU)
Fri, 6 Oct 95 11:09:38 PDT
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Chris Schoeneman: "Re: LANG: VRML Transforms (fwd)"
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Michael Pichler: "Re: LANG: VRML Transforms (fwd)"
V R M L 9 5
The First Annual Symposium on the
Virtual Reality Modeling Language
December 14-15, 1995
The VRML 95 Advanced Program is now on-line at:
We think we have a great line-up of technical paper presentations and
invited speakers. Hope to see you there!
Dave Nadeau
Co-chair, VRML 95
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Chris Schoeneman: "Re: LANG: VRML Transforms (fwd)"
- Previous message:
Michael Pichler: "Re: LANG: VRML Transforms (fwd)"