RE: LANG: VRML and Open Inventor specs
Jan Hardenbergh (
Fri, 06 Oct 95 14:55:00 E
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Stephen Chenney: "Camera transformation"
>> Could someone please direct me to the language specification
>> documents for VRML, VRML+, and Open Inventor?
Everything you ask is pointed to from the VRML Repository.
It also covers all of the "where's a browser for system XYZ" questions, too.
YON,, Jan C. Hardenbergh, Oki Advanced Products 508-460-8655 =|= 100 Nickerson Rd., Marlborough, MA 01752
"You laugh; you learn" Alanis Morissette 1974->>>, Jagged Little Pill CD
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Michael Pichler: "Re: LANG: VRML Transforms (fwd)"
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Stephen Chenney: "Camera transformation"