Re: Object transfer

Adrian Scott (
Thu, 5 Oct 95 11:00:34 PDT

> About "giving" an object to another user...
> If when cesating an Object the cesator included an "icon" of the object to use
> till he actually handed the object to the other user, then the object data,
> geometry, etc. would load over to the other person. Till then only a small bit
> of picture data would have to go to the other user which should, in theory,

Yes.... at the same time, let's make sure we still use 3D... This kind
of mini-world or mini-object is what I've been thinking about with Serch

There the mini-world is restricted to 10K max file size and 1 meter cubed
max space size.

It seems to work quite well. People who've included mini-worlds
(like Greg Seidman's (sp?) nice VRML abacus) are getting a lot more hits from
Serch than people who don't. There's a couple of other neat recent additions,
one with a mini-world in the shape of a cross that leads to a maze, and
also Inca by Wilson Tang,
with it's mini-world of a light beam with a star inside (leading
to the Inca temple -- 5K!)!

One thing we definitely want to avoid with VRML is excessive reliance
on 2D constructs such as 2D images and 2D-rendered HTML. Why go to
the point of cesating all this cool 3-D/VR stuff and then shoehorn
some old stuff into it.

> wanted a banana. Just a thought, i would just like to see VRML become useable
> *WITHIN* the next few years at *HOME* not just at work where a company bought a
> CRAY or a SUN or a SGI and a T1 for you to use.

you know, i really don't understand the problems here.

I mean, i do most of my VRML work on a souped up P/90 with
a 14.4K and things seem to go fine for me? ('specially since
my setup will probably cost only $1500 come February)

I think VRML is pretty usable now (though I expect it to get
much better soon too!)

I think that as much as any technical advances, we need advances
in authoring design so that people feel like they know where they are
and how to get around in the world.


P.S. Anyone in the Chicago area? I'm headed to Kellogg School of
Management at Northwestern on the weekend to give a few lectures
on VRML.

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