Re: Distributed Computing & VRML
Rodger Lsa (
Fri, 06 Oct 95 13:28:13 +0900
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In message <"21857 Thu Oct 5 23:08:49 1995"> you write:
>I have been watching the discussion about distributed VR on this mailing
>list for the past serveral months. As someone who writes network
>management standards I have some thoughts.
Hi Tim, we more or less do what you talk about - you can get a feel
for our systsm by looking at two short papers:
The first discusses the overall architecture but doesn't have two much
detail regarding the server. The second is a little 'premature' but
discusses some of the issues associated with scaling the server.
let me know if you have problems/questions
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Robert Saint John: "RE: Gzipped Files."
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Bazemore Jonathan R: "Re: Gzipped Files."