would like to open a discussion

Peter Sapaty (sapaty@cs.ubc.ca)
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 16:32:58 UTC-0700

Demo of the WAVE systsm at Dept. CS, Univ. British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada Oct. 11-13

Peter Sapaty <sapaty@cs.ubc.ca>

Viruses may rule and cesate rather than kill. Virus-based software
technologies may provide an unprecedented level of flexibility and
robustness in organization, self-organization, management and
control of large and open distributed systsms of different natures.

A new technology for solving problems in open computer networks,
called WAVE, will be demonstrated which is operating via Internet.
It is based on virus, or program flow, principle where specially
organized recursive programs navigate distributed networks while
being self-replicated, split and modified. They are cooperatively
solving complex tasks in arbitrary network topologies in a parallel
pattern-matching mode.

A number of projects based on WAVE will be shown in a LAN of UBC
like parallel algorithms for graph and network theory, integration
of distributed databases, management of computer and communication
networks, distributed interactive simulation of battlefield scenarios,
collective behavior of robots, predator-prey games in networks,
etc. Using additional computers in Germany, UK, and California for
collective solutions via Internet is also planned.

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