Re: ^Z character in VRML files

Glenn Crocker (
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 12:11:50 -0700 (PDT)

>Humm... what does the VRML spec say about languages? I always
>presumed that everything had to be in ISO-8859-1 7bit, meaning
>that you can't name something "year". You could have numerous
>"anus"'s in your VRML file though. :-)
>Sorry, I don't have an answer for this one.
>It may be informative if Glenn's test suite included some tests
>with control characters, high bit characters, and ISO-8859-(2,3,...)
>character sets to allow viewer authors to test out these things.
>The WWW VTP's Email MIME Test Page does test all of the character
>sets via EMail, but this doesn't help the VRML effort.

I've added 3 new tests:

A file with a control-z at the end
A file with a control-z in the middle (to see if a viewer totally ignores
the character. Most think it's an EOF, it looks like.)
A file with a control-f in a DEF/USE name (looks like most are choking
on this because their parsers don't allow control characters in

I've also added .zip and .tar.gz files folks can download to get the whole
test suite at once.


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