Re: from vrml to open inventor
Template Graphics Software (
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 11:39:03 -0700
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chaoyu@CS.SunySB.EDU: "from vrml to open inventor"
>does anyone know if there is any software that can convert a vrml file
>into an open inventor ascii file? thanks.
With the latest release of Open Inventor, VRML is a true sub-set
of Open Inventor. The only diff is the first record with the
#Open Inventor or #VRML ASCII flags.
I'll ask engineering here at TGS if we have a script that handles
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Template Graphics Software: "Re: OS/2 VRML Browsers"
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James Rayson: "Re: CSG+D, etc + Java though"
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chaoyu@CS.SunySB.EDU: "from vrml to open inventor"