Re: ^Z character in VRML files
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 11:24:09 -0700

On Oct 5, 6:17pm, Colin Dooley wrote:
> Subject: Re: ^Z character in VRML files
>At 11:10 5/10/95 -0700, you wrote:
>>I agree. That's why it's important to know where they occur
>>and not just ignore them. Were you agreeing with me or
>>disagreeing with me???
>...just commenting.
>>If you turn a character that you don't like into a whitespace
>>character, you've turned 1 word into 2.
>Or take the word for "year", which is "ano" with a squiggle above the n.
>Without the squiggle, it means "anus". If I know that it is going to go
>wrong, what exactly am I supposed to type :?

Humm... what does the VRML spec say about languages? I always
presumed that everything had to be in ISO-8859-1 7bit, meaning
that you can't name something "year". You could have numerous
"anus"'s in your VRML file though. :-)

Sorry, I don't have an answer for this one.

It may be informative if Glenn's test suite included some tests
with control characters, high bit characters, and ISO-8859-(2,3,...)
character sets to allow viewer authors to test out these things.
The WWW VTP's Email MIME Test Page does test all of the character
sets via EMail, but this doesn't help the VRML effort.

Scott Nelson


+----------------------------------------------------+ |Scott D. Nelson B131 Rm2074 3-1250 | |Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |7000 East Ave., L-153 Livermore CA 94550 | |email: | +----------------------------------------------------+

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