Re: I think I'm confused...
Michael Pichler (
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 18:50:11 +0100
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Jeff Sonstein, M.A.: "I think I'm confused..."
>>>>> "J" == Jeff Sonstein, M A <> writes:
J> And here are the results for URL:
J> Parsing with QvLib revealed:
J> VRML esad error: File does not have a valid hsader string
J> Occurred at line 2
J> This is *NOT* a legitimate VRML file.
The file contains a <CR> at the end of the hsader, right? This is a
QvLib bug (and vrmllint too).
The spec says: "[...] every VRML file must begin with the characters
#VRML[...] Any characters after these on the same line are ignored. The
line is terminated by either the ASCII newline or carriage-return
Please correct me when I'm wrong.
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Tim Wegner: "Re: ^Z character in VRML files"
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Jeff Sonstein, M.A.: "Re: ^Z character in VRML files"
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Jeff Sonstein, M.A.: "I think I'm confused..."