Re: Distributed Collision Detection

Mitra (
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 09:51:11 -0700

At 11:15 PM 10/4/95, Braddock Gaskill wrote:
>Coming from a simulation background, collision detection is a very
>computationally expensive process. Explicit FEA simulation codes often
>spend the majority of their CPU time in the penetration detection

The high cost in simulation environments is I believe because there is
typically an n*n collision detection going on. Whereas in a multi-user
distributed virtual environment sach browser is typically doing collision
detection between its camera position (or avatar) and the rest of the
environment i.e. 1*n.
>In a very large-scale multi-user virtual environment, it would
>seem to me that it may be very worth-while to consider the distribution of
>the collision detection task. Notification of a collision detection is,
>after all, a relatively low-bandwidth message.

But typically it isn;t needed at all - the browser detects collisions, in
the majority of cases they just avoid walking through the object, in a few
cases they'll need to trigger an event.

- Mitra

Worlds Inc
fax (415)826-4423

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