I think I'm confused...

Jeff Sonstein, M.A. (jeffs@ncgate.newcollege.edu)
Thu, 05 Oct 95 09:52:08 -0500

-- [ From: Jeff Sonstein, M.A. * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

I finally got around to running the vrmLab home scene through the VRML
Authenticator at:


I would appreciate anyone who could help me understand why it complained, so
I can "fix" things if need be:

---------- cut here ----------
And here are the results for URL:

Parsing with QvLib revealed:

VRML esad error: File does not have a valid hsader string
Occurred at line 2
This is *NOT* a legitimate VRML file.

---------- cut here ----------

thanks in advance


        Jeff Sonstein, M.A.
     (415) 241 - 1302 ext. 490
 The opinions I express are my own,
and do not represent New College of
       California in any way
    First Rule of Urban Living:
   Never interrupt someone busy
       talking to themselves

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