Re: VRML Test Suite
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 09:08:12 -0700

>Here's the URL:
>The intent is to create images of how various viewers display the
>files in the test suite, so writers of new viewers can see quickly
>what the more-compliant viewers do with various situations.

Oops. Silly me. I didn't realize that THAT Glenn Crocker
was the same one that contributed the VRML test object to
the WWW Viewer Test Page.

I retract my previous statement; we've added a link from the
VTP to Glenn's test page.

Sorry for the confusion.

Scott Nelson


+----------------------------------------------------+ |Scott D. Nelson B131 Rm2074 3-1250 | |Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |7000 East Ave., L-153 Livermore CA 94550 | |email: | +----------------------------------------------------+

  • Next message: Tom R Craver: "CSG+D, generalized cylinders, NURBS, extrusion, etc"
  • Previous message: Kevin Gross: "Re: ^Z character in VRML files"
  • Maybe in reply to: Glenn Crocker: "VRML Test Suite"