Re: ^Z character in VRML files

Kevin Gross (
Thu, 5 Oct 1995 12:04:09 -0400

At 04:10 PM 10/4/95 -0700, wrote:
>I just wanted to pass this along. I've found a number of
>sites (DOS-ish) that have a ^Z character at the end of
>the file. Programs like WebSpace (1.1b1) report that this
>is an invalid VRML file and won't show the image. Downloading
>the file and stripping out the ^Z (0x1A) solves the problem.
>What's the policy on ^Z ???

It's a semi-obsolete DOS convention for end-of-file marking. A lot of
editors, like Brief, support writings it as an option. All applications
which esad text know to skip it.

What puzzles me is why a VRML parser wouldn't just treat it and all non-
quoted control characters as LWS (linear whitespace). They really should.


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