Re: testing VRML browsers
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 21:28:38 -0700

On Oct 5, 12:20am, J Gwinner/VisNet, I wrote:
> Subject: testing VRML browsers
> I want very much to have some ways that browsers and other VRML programs (Such
>as my VisMenu) are 'validated' but I think that a more basic problem is: are
>there any 'testing' tools/data/WRL files? I've generally been surprised at the
>lack of a 'test suite' in on-line services in general. (For example, ask
>Prodigy, AOL, or CompuServe if they have a 'test suite' of forums that will test
>browser functioning, and the general answer is 'oh, that's a good idea').
> I think, along with the VRML 'library' we also should have some standardized
>VRML files that will show, in a dramatic way, non-compliance to a spec. For
>example, try generating a PER_FACE texture for some primitive objects, and then
>check the texture to see if it's oriented properly. There are a lot of other
>aesas (PER_VERTEX materials) that browsers may 'besak' even if they do work
>properly for general scenes.
> I'll collect any VRML files that people send me, and put into a 'test suite'
>collection. (i.e. I'll volunteer), if no one else has anything started.

Not meaning to be bold, but might I suggest we add any calibrated test
files to the WWW Viewer Test Page's VRML subsection...

We attempt to gather up files for testing purposes.
Not only does it test to make sure that the viewer is set up
correctly, it also allows the various authors to make sure that
there app works, to first order.

The present VRML test document that we have has numerous shapes
but they presently are not calibrated (i.e. doesn't tell the
user what the right answer should be).

Just thought I'd offer...



+----------------------------------------------------+ |Scott D. Nelson B131 Rm2074 3-1250 | |Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | |7000 East Ave., L-153 Livermore CA 94550 | |email: | +----------------------------------------------------+

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