testing VRML browsers

J Gwinner/VisNet, I (75162.514@compuserve.com)
05 Oct 95 00:20:24 EDT


I want very much to have some ways that browsers and other VRML programs (Such
as my VisMenu) are 'validated' but I think that a more basic problem is: are
there any 'testing' tools/data/WRL files? I've generally been surprised at the
lack of a 'test suite' in on-line services in general. (For example, ask
Prodigy, AOL, or CompuServe if they have a 'test suite' of forums that will test
browser functioning, and the general answer is 'oh, that's a good idea').

I think, along with the VRML 'library' we also should have some standardized
VRML files that will show, in a dramatic way, non-compliance to a spec. For
example, try generating a PER_FACE texture for some primitive objects, and then
check the texture to see if it's oriented properly. There are a lot of other
aesas (PER_VERTEX materials) that browsers may 'besak' even if they do work
properly for general scenes.

I'll collect any VRML files that people send me, and put into a 'test suite'
collection. (i.e. I'll volunteer), if no one else has anything started.

== John D. Gwinner ==
== CyberForum/Visual CompuServe
== VisNet, Inc
== "Making CyberSpace Real" (TM)

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