Re: Object transfer

In Training (
Wed, 04 Oct 1995 23:03:39 -0400

] *WITHIN* the next few years at *HOME* not just at work where a company bought
] CRAY or a SUN or a SGI and a T1 for you to use.

Well... I think that we can expect to see, at this rate, VRML become a
pretty basic thing within the next few months, let alone years!!! This
is the INTERNET folks... remember!!? If people want it bad enough,
they'll buy what it takes to have VRML capabilities... when it becomes
real popular, I wold expect the tenchologies to become cheaper when
people start buying the stuff left and right....

Am I making sense?..or am I just a crazy college kid???.... or both?!

Best wishes....

DJ Montalbano

Syracuse University
AskERIC Research and Development Team

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