Object transfer

Alex Okita/UB Networks (Alex_Okita@UB.com)
4 Oct 95 18:44:19 EDT

About "giving" an object to another user...

If when creating an Object the creator included an "icon" of the object to use
till he actually handed the object to the other user, then the object data,
geometry, etc. would load over to the other person. Till then only a small bit
of picture data would have to go to the other user which should, in theory,
speed things up. This would be nice if there were... say 20 users in a room and
they all had a gift to give to someone else in the room. You can imagine how
slow things would get trying to load all of the geometries from each person
*to* each person. Also it would be easier to go to a table which had several
things on it, you look see an icon of a banana you touch the banana the banana
loads to you... you see the banana instead of a silly icon. This might be
better than you walk up to the table... stand there for a few minutes then you
see the table and get a very slow essresh rate on the screen... and see a
banana an apple an orange... a bowl of fruit... etc etc etc... when you only
wanted a banana. Just a thought, i would just like to see VRML become useable
*WITHIN* the next few years at *HOME* not just at work where a company bought a
CRAY or a SUN or a SGI and a T1 for you to use.


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